"It became clear that the nature of the site, it's location, the backdrop of the meadow and surrounding woods, kept pushing towards the image of a farmhouse." - Luis Lobao, Applied Form and Space
#Quarantinography was a working title for this post. I wasn't sure how to approach this next post during these abnormal times. Nor did I know just how eerie this photoshoot, on a Friday at rush hour in Boston, was going to feel. With everyone bravely adhering to the #stayhome order, I knew it would be quieter than usual. But, prepared with my PPE, I was ready for anything.
By design, operating as a freelance photographer means running a small business. Though there are many places for photographers to learn their craft, there are far fewer places to learn the business side of their venture. Focusing solely on their craft, a photographer may miscalculate how valuable their images are and miss out on revenue; resulting in placing unnecessary strain on their businesses. Supporting the sharing of information can only improve photographer-client relationships and strengthen business strategies that sustain viable revenue streams and support all of us in the business of commercial photography.